Shohin Bonsai by Mike Lane

SHOHIN BONSAI KEYPOINTS What are Shohin bonsai- Shohin bonsai are typically under 10 inches from the soil to the top of the tree. Mame bonsai, a sub-category of shohin, are bonsai under 4 inches from the soil to the top of the tree. More about feel. Trees should be...

Melon Seed Ficus Article by Jason Osborne

Ficus “Melon seed” Bonsai Ficus retusa var. melon seed With more than 1500 species of Ficus, 800 of which are actual trees it is exciting to find a new cultivar to bonsai. The “melon seed” as we know is great bonsai material due to tiny leaves.  I have found that the...

Buttonwood Bonsai Article – by Jason Osborne

Buttonwood Bonsai Conocarpus Erectus The buttonwood is native to tropical America and Africa. It is an absolute must for tropical bonsai. Known for their hard wood, natural Jins and amazing Shari collected buttonwoods are one of the most sought after species for...
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